Show me a thriving church, and I’ll show you a number of volunteers whose faithful service goes virtually unnoticed. Without these unsung heroes, much of the church’s ministry – and maybe the church itself – would fall flat. These servant-hearted individuals are not motivated by recognition; they’re driven by their love for God and others.
These service spotlights are designed to affirm and encourage all of our volunteers – especially those who work behind the scenes – and to express gratitude for your selfless ministry. We see you, we honor you, and we thank God for you!
This month’s service spotlight is on Mothers.
First of all, moms, God gave you this amazing ability to actually bring another human being into the world. And then feed them and sustain them.
You’ve changed 6, 8, 10 diapers a day, per child, for as long as it takes. You’ve held your little ones when they cried, inconsolably, for hours and days and weeks on end, often without ever knowing the reason why. You’ve mixed up bottles, made meals, packed snacks, and basically kept the next generation alive long enough for them to learn to fend for themselves. You’ve had snotty noses and tears and who-knows-what-else wiped on the shoulder of all your blouses. You’ve read books – the same three books – and you’ve sung songs – the same three songs – hundreds and thousands of times. You’ve spent a lot of time down on all fours and you’ve played more silly games than any of us know. You kept your kids stocked with crayons, veggie puffs, and bubble bath, long enough to buy them backpacks and send them off to school. And some of you – several of you – felt called to be the school.
Along the way – actually right away – you started teaching. Life skills. Manners. Appropriate behaviors. And words. And attitudes. And reactions. You taught “please” and “thank you.” “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you.” You taught “I love you” – and then you modeled what those three words really mean.
Here’s the thing, moms: we’re not just amazed by what you do, we’re amazed by how you do it. No, you’re not perfect – and we all get that. You have bad days – and we get that, too. But we’ve seen your patience and your persistence. We’ve seen your selflessness and your sacrifice. We’ve seen your humility and your hard work. You have shown us grit and you have shown us grace. You’ve shown us what it looks like to love unconditionally, to serve consistently, and to give unreservedly.
But there’s more: we’ve seen Christ in you. Our children know about Jesus – his love, his power, his mercy, his death and resurrection – largely because of you. You’ve told his stories, read his verses, prayed his prayers, and then tried to follow his example. But you’ve done something better than trying: you’ve taught the next generation that it’s not about our effort – yours and theirs; it’s about a Great Big God who loves them, and pursues, and is worthy of their worship and praise.
Somewhere along the way, moms, you’ve had to learn to let go. Though your kids will always have a place in your heart and be welcome in your arms, they belonged to God before they were ever yours. And so you’ve pulled your arrows back and let them fly. You have released them to choose Christ for themselves – to love him, and enjoy him, to live for his kingdom, and to share his good news.
Perhaps our culture will never value this kind of mom. Probably they’ll never admire you and affirm you for helping to form a new generation who treasures Jesus Christ. But God Himself does. And so do we.
And just remember this: when you’re a mom, there are countless small things; there are no unimportant things. Keep building those lives one moment at a time.
Moms, we love you and we praise the Lord for you!