Title: Hijacking Jesus Text: John 12:12-19 Theme: Stop using Jesus and start worshiping him instead. Teaching Notes: When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on what’s now known as “Palm Sunday,” he was greeted by crowds that were filled with nationalistic fervor. They ignored Jesus’ true mission to lay down his life and they tried to make him king on their own terms. But Jesus wouldn’t stoop to their demands. He wouldn’t save the Jews from the Gentiles; he would give his life to save both Jews and Gentiles. Click on link below: Notes and Questions for Life Application
Title: Anointing Jesus Text: John 11:55-12:11 Theme: Jesus is worthy to be and to receive your greatest treasure. Teaching Notes: As the Passover approaches, many people gather in Jerusalem, and the religious leaders plan to arrest Jesus. Jesus goes to Bethany, where He is honored with a dinner at the home of Lazarus. During the meal, Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume, a gesture of love and preparation for His burial. Judas criticizes her for wasting the perfume, but Jesus commends her. Click on link below: Notes and Questions for Life Application
Title: The Inside-Out Kingdom Text: Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18 Theme: True righteousness comes from sincere hearts that seek to please God rather than others. Teaching Notes: In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us that there is a right and a wrong way to live in his kingdom. The right way – a life transformed from the inside-out – leads to righteousness, reward, and satisfaction in the Father. The wrong way leaves us enslaved to a never-ending hunger foroutside approval. Jesus challenges us to examine our motives and to satiate our souls with God’s goodness. Click on link below: Notes...
Title: The Future-Backward Kingdom Text: Matthew 5-7; 1 Peter 4:7-8 Theme: Start with the ending God’s promised, and live in light of it today. Teaching Notes: In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus invites us to learn about the future – particularly of his coming kingdom – and to embody that preferred future right here and now. We cannot simply live day to day without an awareness of where today’s decisions are leading us. We must live and invest in light of what God says is going to be true. Click on link below: Notes and Questions for Life Application
Title: The Upside-Down Kingdom Text: Matthew 5:1-12 Theme: God honors Christlike, countercultural character that honors God. Teaching Notes: In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is describing how to live as his disciples in his kingdom that has already arrived. The first major theme is the upside-down nature of this kingdom. Jesus doesn’t value and honor the same character traits that our world celebrates. He calls us to live counterculturally, walking in humility and grace, rather than mimicking the pride of our society. Click on link below: Notes and Questions for Life Application
This past Sunday we discussed the wisdom of both being retrospective of your past and setting goals for your future. One simple pattern is to reflect and plan around four key areas of spiritual formation: 1) Worship, 2) Walk, 3) Work, and 4) Witness. Begin by thinking back over the past year. How did you do in each of these four areas? What were your highs and lows? Your biggest challenges and setbacks. Where did you fail and where did you succeed? Then proceed to thinking ahead about the year before you. What will you do differently? Where do you...
Title: Waiting in & for Peace Text: Isaiah 9:2-7 Theme: Jesus came to remove every source of conflict and to lead us into everlasting peace. Teaching Notes: Our broken world is filled with things that steal our peace. Since The Fall, we have conflict with God, with others, with our environment, and even internally with our own selves. But Jesus came to reconcile us to God and to cut off conflict at its source. One day he will come again to defeat Satan once and for all, establishing eternal and perfect peace. In the meantime, we’re called to abide in,...
Title: Waiting in & for Joy Text: Isaiah 61:1-7 Theme: Jesus came to remove every source of sorrow and to lead us into everlasting joy. Teaching Notes: Our broken world is filled with things that steal our joy. And it’s easy and natural to fix our gaze on the things that are frustrating and painful. But Jesus came to break the curse and to begin the redemption of all things. One day he will come again to make all things new. In the meantime, we have the resources of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit to produce deep and abiding...
Title: Waiting in & for Love Text: Psalm 98:1-4; 1 John 4:9-11 Theme: Because God loved the world, he sent his Son to save the world. Teaching Notes: God’s love for people was often demonstrated through acts of deliverance in the Old Testament era. And the greatest and fullest demonstration of his love is the coming of Jesus to lay down his life for our salvation. Because of his sacrifice, our lives can be filled with his love here and now. Even while we wait for his second coming, we can overflow with his love toward others. Click on link...
Title: Waiting in & for Hope Text: Psalm 146 Theme: Hope is found in the person and work of our Savior who came and will come again. Teaching Notes: This psalm begins with a call to praise and hope in the Lord, noting the deficiency of human rulers who are temporary and powerless to save. The psalmist highlights God’s characteristics: He is the Creator, the source of both justice and mercy. The psalm concludes by affirming that the Lord reigns forever, and calling people to praise Him in all generations. Click on link below: Notes and Questions for Life Application