We praise God for prospering Grace City Church at the corner of Park Avenue and Broadway over the past five months. Though construction delays, COVID shutdowns, and collaborative efforts with another church all impacted our plans and timeline, we’re now thriving, by God’s providence, in the heart of downtown Denver. As we head into a new fiscal year beginning July 1, we want to highlight some key elements of a Strategic Plan the leadership team has been developing. A Strategic Plan is a way to focus our energy and resources around a set of shared priorities and goals. Out of...
Dear Grace City family, We’re thrilled to back with you, hosting in-person worship gatherings at Asterisk! I know many of you are excited to come back together, see friends you haven’t seen in a long time, and worship as the church gathered — as are we! Please note these simple changes that will allow us to gather safely and fully express our love for God and for our neighbors: When to Stay Home: If you are sick or have been in close contact with someone who’s sick, if you have a fever over 100.0 F, and especially if you are coughing, please stay home and worship...
In January of 2022, Grace City Church relocated and relaunched at the corner of Broadway and Park Avenue in the heart of downtown Denver. Join us on Sunday mornings at the completely reimagined Asterisk Denver events venue (1075 Park Avenue West), where we’ve partnered with the owners to create a welcoming, safe environment for all ages. Our vision is to be a centrally-located, inclusive church that intentionally pursues younger generations and takes the Gospel to the everyday street level where our neighbors live, work, gather, and create. Centrally located: Cities, like individual lives, are best changed from the...
Dear Grace City family and friends, The one word that best describes 2018 for me is the word transition. God faithfully led us through some major changes this year, and I’m so grateful for all the ways you’ve embraced unity, curiosity, and sacrifice through the midst of this season of change. Some have characterized this year as taking a little step backward so we can make a giant leap forward next year. And maybe that’s true. I like to think of it as taking the time to lay a solid foundation before we go vertical. Or, to use the Boot...
Text: Jeremiah 29:1-7; 1 Peter 2:11-12 | Listen to Message By Easter 2019, Grace City will be a thriving, Gospel-driven Church that embodies and shares the heart of Christ in the heart of downtown Denver. Between now and then, we will continue to worship, grow, and serve as a Church – while being strategic and intentional about forming a committed, missional core group to re-plant Grace City in the new “home” where God has led us. Why? Downtown Denver is undergoing a mass-scale metamorphosis right now. Physically, construction cranes dominate the skyline everywhere you turn. Philosophically, there’s been a shift in...
Dear Grace City family and friends, As 2017 draws to a close, we have so much to be grateful for! Though numbers don’t even begin to tell the whole story of how God is transforming lives through you, here are a few quick highlights: 1 full-time pastor added to our staff 2 more clean water wells fully funded 3 new missionary ministries supported 5 more baptisms this Fall 10 youth participated in our first summer camp 250+ first-time guests at our Christmas Eve service Even though we’ve accomplished much together over this past year, there’s so much more to...
Texts: Various | Listen to Message Where Are We Going? It’s a great time to be a part of Grace City Denver! God has blessed us with a season of extraordinary unity, lives are being transformed, volunteers are living out what it means to be the church, and we see new people coming every week. So the vision that follows is not intended to replace all the good things that are happening, but rather to celebrate, amplify, and build upon them. There’s a lot we don’t know about how exactly all this will be fleshed out in the days ahead, but...
As Grace City Denver continues to grow, we’re looking to add a full-time Executive Pastor to our leadership team. This individual will work closely with the Lead Pastor in implementing our Christ-centered vision, values, and priorities. We’re seeking someone with the heart of a pastor who understands organizational thinking and is skilled at building systems for volunteers to work within. The ideal candidate has a skill set, gifts, and areas of expertise that complement, rather than duplicate, our Lead Pastor’s strengths. Someone with a strategic/systems mindset will be a better fit in this role than someone looking for a few years of experience before becoming a...
Reorganizing To Serve You As Grace City Denver continues to grow, God has given us the vision and opportunity to transition to a new pastoral leadership structure that’ll allow us to better meet the needs of our growing congregation and city. A little background. A couple years ago, Jeremy Conrad was hired as our full-time executive pastor. His role included the usual financial and organizational responsibilities that go along with being an X-pastor, but he also had some oversight of outreach, hospitality, gospel communities, and a hodgepodge of other ministries. Over these two years, Jeremy has proven to be a...
About Our New Location Beginning Sunday, June 26th, we’ll be meeting at Isabella Bird Community School (2701 N Lima Street, Denver, CO 80238) for our main worship services. A lot of conversation and prayer went into this decision to leave Westerly Creek after 10+ years. And here’s some of the vision that ultimately made this new opportunity an easy decision: IBCS has greater visibility and access. Westerly Creek is buried in the middle of a residential area with no direct access to the south. It’s isolated from and invisible to most of our neighbors. IBCS is out at the edge...