September 27, 2020 — Worship + Formation + Kids’ Resources
Resources for Worship Vanity or Victory – Worship + Formation Resources Worship Guide for Kids
Resources for Worship Vanity or Victory – Worship + Formation Resources Worship Guide for Kids
Resources for Worship Continuing in Christ – Worship + Formation Resources Worship Guide for Kids
Resources for Worship The Messiah’s Mystery – Worship + Formation Resources Worship Guide for Kids
Dear Grace City family, We’re thrilled to back with you, hosting in-person worship gatherings at Asterisk! I know many of you are excited to come back together, see friends you haven’t seen in a long time, and worship as the church gathered — as are we! Please note these simple changes that will allow us to gather safely and fully express our love for God and for our neighbors: When to Stay Home: If you are sick or have been in close contact with someone who’s sick, if you have a fever over 100.0 F, and especially if you are coughing, please stay home and worship...
Resources for Worship The Paradox of Christ – Worship + Formation Resources Worship Guide for Kids