Day 16: Rule of Scripture
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
~Matthew 4:4
Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart.
~Jeremiah 15:16
The word “hunger” describes the physiological need to eat food to fuel your body. “Appetite” describes the psychological desire for food, whether or not you’re actually hungry. Notice how both a hunger and an appetite for God’s Word are described in the verses above. A Christian is someone who needs and wants to feed his/her heart and mind on Scripture.
- How long can you go without eating on a typical day? What special food cravings do you experience regularly?
- How long can you go without feasting your soul on the Word of God before you develop “spiritual hunger pangs”?
- What are some ways you could develop an appetite (not just a hunger/thirst, but a craving) for Scripture?
Spirit of God, I praise you for talking to me through a book that I can pick up and read at any time. That is an amazing thought! Forgive me for gorging my heart on other things. Develop in me an insatiable appetite for your life-giving Word. For Christ’s sake, Amen.
Bonus Tracks! Here’s our entire current playlist on either Spotify or Youtube.